Thursday, April 23, 2009

Leverage .

Well my boss decided to go for the biggest douche bag of the year award and he has successfully secured that title by disconnecting the internet on my computer but leaving it connected on his. This forces me to sneak on his computer when hes not in the office which sucks buuut it kind of brought me to todays post :) Im sure you are all [ haha like there are actually plural readers to this blog ] well aware that we are in a crisis. Our economy sucks plain and simple and I am one of the lucky ones who has been able to keep her job. Well for all of you who would also like to remain employed I have the solution .. the real solution. No I am not going to tell you to make yourself vital to your boss and the company by busting your ass for lower wages than you care to tell anyone about .. oh no no no. Im talking about a little leverage people. Your boss can fire you basically at any time right, well that means you've got to even up the playing feild. Let me explain... I am the only secretary in a very small office so this makes me privvy to alot of information. No im not talking about patient confidentiality and billing, I'm talking about scandals my friends. Scandals such as my boss cheating on his wife with the secretary at the other office. My boss also has a mistress in florida that he emails and so graciously left said emails on display over night and i accidentally stumbled apon them in the A.M. :) I mean, it's pretty safe to say that my boss will not be firing me anytime soon considering how efficient I am when he needs something done but why not have something else to secure the future of my bank account? Knowing too much can come in handy during a crisis, and face it - its pretty good gossip to get you through the day if nothing else!!

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